
Results vary and there are no promises given or implied. The information provided here is for informational purposes only. We are a real estate investment company. There is no promise or guarantee that your home won’t be foreclosed or that a foreclosure can be stopped. There is no guarantee that a settlement acceptable to us and to you can be reached with your lender(s), which amongst other things is required for our investment. Foreclosure Settlements are negotiated by a 3rd party law* firm retained by Residential Equity Partners. We cannot and will not provide legal or accounting advice. You must get independent legal advice from an attorney before signing any agreement with us or the law firm. All transactions must comply with the Home Equity Theft Protection Act which may disqualify certain situations. *Subject to a separate retainer agreement between you and the law firm. In certain situations, homeowners may retain the services of the law firm directly and their fees would not be covered by us. Residential Equity Partners is an assumed name, (d/b/a) of Realty IQ, Inc.

Restore Equity, Restore Peace of Mind

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